Do Your Ears Hang Low - Nursery Rhymes Songs


Do Your Ears Hang Low - Nursery Rhymes Songs

Nursery rhymes are a popular form of entertainment for children. They're also great for adults who like to sing along or just enjoy the music. Do Your Ears Hang Low - Nursery Rhymes Songs

Do Your Ears Hang Low - Nursery Rhymes Songs

Do your ears hang low

Do they wobble to and fro?

Can you tie them in a knot? 

Can you tie them in a bow?

Can you throw them o'er your shoulder like a Continental Soldier?

Do your ears hang low?

Does your tongue hang down? 

Does it flop all around?

Can you tie it in a knot? 

Can you tie it in a bow?

Can you throw it o'er your shoulder like a Continental Soldier?

Does your tongue hang down?

Does your nose hang low? 

Does it wiggle to and fro?

Can you tie it in a knot? 

Can you tie it in a bow?

Can you throw it o'er your shoulder like a Continental Soldier?

Does your nose hang low?

Do your eyes pop out? 

Do they bounce all about?

Can you tie them in a knot? 

Can you tie them in a bow?

Can you throw them o'er your shoulder like a Continental Soldier?

Do your eyes pop out?

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