The Animal Fair - Animal Songs


The Animal Fair - Animal Songs

We went to the animal fair,

The birds and the beasts were there.

The old baboon, by the light of the moon,

Was combing his auburn hair.

The monkey, he got drunk,

And fell on the elephant’s trunk;

The elephant sneezed and fell on his knees

And that was the end of the monk!


I went to the animal fair,

The birds and the beasts were there.

The old baboon, by the light of the moon,

Was combing his auburn hair.

You should have seen the monk:

He sat on the elephant’s trunk;

The elephant sneezed and fell on his knees

And that was the end of the monk!


I went to the animal show,

Where all of the animals go.

A big giraffe was making me laugh

By yelling, “Look out below!”

I went to the animal zoo

To see a gnu I knew.

But the gnu I knew would be new to you

If you went to the animal zoo.

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